New haircuts, new clothes, and backpacks stuffed with markers, pencils, and binders—everything a child needs to start a new school year. As millions of students return to school this monsoon, teachers will plan their school supply list, and parents will carefully make sure their child is prepared with each and every item.
Along with all of the above, there’s one thing that’s the most important - Student Safety, which should also be on everyone’s back-to-school list.
Parents, students, educators, and community members can all take action to keep children safe - in and away from school.

Schools are responsible for:
Providing duty of care to students which includes:
- Managing student supervision, visitors to school, after school pick-up, student privacy.
- Supporting shared parental responsibility.
Providing a safe environment which includes:
- Protection and support against bullying, abuse, assault.
- Facilitating access to support services.
Meeting the planning and implementation requirements for excursion and other activities.
Providing options to parents about the student transport that are available to the school.

At Rabindranath Tagore School of Excellence, student safety comes first.
At RTSE, we earnestly believe that the onus of safety and security of children on school campus solely lie with the school authorities, and it is the fundamental right of children to study in an environment where they feel safe and free from any form of physical or emotional abuse or harassment.
The infrastructure at RTSE has been developed keeping in mind the above objective of student safety.
  • CCTVs are installed in nooks and crannies of the campus to monitor movement of students, visitors and other in-house resources.
  • All visitors are subjected to strict security checks before entering the campus.
  • All school buses are equipped with latest technology to ensure safety such as RFID tags, fire extinguishers, emergency exits and remote tracking system.
  • Fully equipped medical rooms with full time doctor and nurse.
  • Public address system for easy evacuation across the school in case of emergencies.
  • Individual locker system for each student offering them with a secure place to store school supplies and personal items needed at school.
  • Supporting staff are employed from authorized agencies and a proper record is kept.

Along with security measures, RTSE provides a caring school community in which adults and students respect each other. The students experience a feeling of belongingness, understand expectations, and receive any behavioral and mental health support they need.