RTSE’S Priority 4: Digital Classrooms

In today’s technology driven age, teaching is no more about standing in front of 40 children and delivering a lecture. Today, educators believe in making the process of learning more engaging and innovative. As the world attunes itself to new technology, so has education. In fact, the only constant in the field of education is change and evolution, thus it becomes extremely imperative for teachers to effortlessly integrate technology into their classrooms.

At Rabindranath Tagore School Of Excellence, we believe in transforming the learning environment into a more interactive one by way of Digital Education.

Benefits of taking the digital route:
- Makes learning an enjoyable and fun experience for the child. It ensures that lessons are taught in the most innovative manner which leads to active participation on the part of the child.
- Provides more opportunities for collaboration, where students can collaborate on various learning forums with other students from the same classroom, or any classroom worldwide.
- Improves knowledge retention as children are more attentive and engrossed in what they are learning.
- Encourages individual learning. Every child has a different learning style and ability, thus students can learn at their own pace.
- Provides instant access to a number of resources and promotes engagement and innovation.

At Rabindranath Tagore School of Excellence, we understand the importance of E-learning and we focus on the provision of Digital Classrooms for our learners with provision of the following facilities:
- State of art individual Science labs for Physics, Chemistry and Biology to build scientific knowledge
-Digital Classrooms equipped with latest technology and modern teaching equipments like Whiteboards, touch-enabled Smart LED TV Screens etc.
- To support student learning and interaction with teachers and peers through strategic use of Information and Communication Technology.

With the advent of the digital era, we have made that necessary transition from a traditional approach to adopting a more contemporary perspective of education. It is time you did too!

Our educators believe in facilitating a caring, collaborative, innovative and progressive learning environment for your child to excel. We leave no stone unturned to provide your child with the best education for a bright future ahead.

Unleash your child’s true potential, with Rabindranath Tagore School of Excellence.
Admissions are now open for the academic year 2018-19. For further information, log onto our website www.bvrtse.in